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In order to help the practitioner focus more on the patient and less on setting up the practice, HYGITECH offers a range of ready-to-use, sterile examination products, for real time and money savings.
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Finalis Sutures
Finalis Sutures

HYGITECH has developed a complete range of specific sutures to meet the needs of dental surgeons.

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Dental surgery preparation : Examination

Time is precious surgeons. To prioritise the patient the instrument sterilisation, HYGITECH offers a disposable mirror and two sterile examination sets.


  •  Very precise: The instruments are ergonomic. The sleeves are made of plastic, the tweezers and the probe tips have stainless steel.
  • Ready to use: All instruments necessary for patient examination are combined in one set, eliminating tray preparation time
  •  For a real time saver: disinfection, packaging and then autoclaving. The assistant and the surgeon can work with 4 hands.
  • The single use and accuracy at a time, the best way to fight against cross-contamination
  •  Sterilised with ethylene oxide, for the safety of the care team and patient
  • Economic: Increased productivity while reducing the costs of disinfection and sterilisation 

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