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52 products

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Finalis Sutures
Finalis Sutures

HYGITECH has developed a complete range of specific sutures to meet the needs of dental surgeons.

Discover our range
Face Shield

Face Shield

  • 1 Gestell und 12 Visiere 1 Gestell und 12 Visiere
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Headrest Cover

Headrest Cover

  • Rolle mit 250 Schutzhüllen Rolle mit 250 Schutzhüll…
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Our products : Dental surgery preparation

The first stage of surgery depends on the preparation that the dental practice undetakes, laws must be practiced during surgery in the operating room.
To optimise operation and reduce health risks, it is important to make the protection of all personnel and equipment. To make the surgeon's life easier, HYGITECH offers 10 pre-assembled kits, all ready to use.

Don't use a certain part of the kit? Most products can be purchased separately. 

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