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6 products

Duo Surgical Kit - Set of 5

Duo Surgical Kit - Set of 5

  • Best quality / price ratio Best quality / price rat…
  • Sterile Sterile
  • 32 items in the kit 32 items in the kit
Sterile irrigation set

Sterile irrigation set

  • Best quality / price ratio Best quality / price rat…
  • Sterile Sterile
  • Karton mit 10 Stück Karton mit 10 Stück
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  • Best quality / price ratio Best quality / price rat…
  • Sterile Sterile
  • 45 items in the kit 45 items in the kit
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button/vignette/declinaison EN
Finalis Sutures
Finalis Sutures

HYGITECH has developed a complete range of specific sutures to meet the needs of dental surgeons.

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