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Instruments for extraction

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Instruments : Instruments for extraction

Some patients may suffer from severe damage to one or more of their teeth: decay, infection, loosening, fracture, or poor implantation are reasons that may lead to a tooth extraction (or tooth avulsion). Pulling out a tooth and replacing it with an implant is therefore a very common practice in implantology. However, extraction is often time consuming and difficult in practice: risk of root fracture, jaw fracture or haemorrhage. Frequent but delicate, this act requires an adequate technique and an appropriate material to carry out this intervention successfully.

To remove a tooth from its cavity, three movements are necessary: syndesmotomy, elevation and avulsion (or forceps). To carry out these steps, HYGITECH has designed a wide range of instruments to accompany and facilitate your extraction and mobilisation of teeth:

  • Syndesmotomes: to cut the ligament in a restricted space
  • Elevators: to dislodge the tooth from its socket
  • Forceps: to grasp the mobile tooth and extract it permanently from its socket
Each of our instruments are reusable and made of stainless steel to increase their longevity despite disinfection and sterilization cycles. As a proof of this high quality, HYGITECH offers you a lifetime warranty* on all its instruments. * Under normal conditions of use.

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